
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Thank you for taking this moment to allow me to share my heart and the ways in which the Lord is guiding and directing me. Over the years the Lord has blessed me in a number of ways. He has granted me a number of opportunities, taken me to various places and gifted me with countless relationships; all of which I truly cherish. In all of this, I have found myself in an ongoing journey to discover my passions and the Lord’s specific calling upon my life. I have sought to pursue the Lord and be obedient in whatever ways and to whatever places he has called me to, and he has been faithful time and time again. 


In high school, I saw the Lord break my heart for the world. I encountered different people, religions and cultures, and was exposed to overwhelming poverty for the first time. These trips marked a defining moment for me where I felt called and driven to help those in need. Though uncertain of what that looked like, I knew it was what I wanted to do. 


The college years for me brought with it a new discovery of who I am in Christ. I had known for some time that I wanted to help and uplift those around me, but I always struggled with the specifics. Where would I be? What would I do? Was I even capable of doing what was needed? Through involvement with my church at Ball State, the SOAR program at Nappanee Missionary Church, and volunteer positions with the youth/young adults, I saw God answer these questions and witnessed him work in big and mighty ways. In this, I came to know the truth of Philippians 4:13; that I truly can do all things through him who gives me strength. 


In the two and a half years since graduating from Ball State, there have been many questions and much uncertainty. Yet in the midst of it all, the Lord was still active and moving. In my time at Bashor Children’s Home, I saw my heart and passion reignited for the hurting and the lost. Following this, in my time at Alpha Systems, I have seen how God can work in the midst of the mundane and routine, and how he will move and work through intentionality and an obedient heart. Both experiences were unique and provided their fair share of frustrations and challenges; yet they both provided a glimpse for me into how God can work through my time, talents and abilities. 


Early this past spring, I came across this opportunity called the World Race through Adventures in Missions. The World Race is a journey to 11 countries in 11 months, with a missional heart to serve and spread the love of Jesus, while amongst deep, intentional community. Knowing very little about it, I did some research, and was immediately grabbed by the heart and drive of this trip. After much prayer, processing and numerous conversations with trusted friends and mentors, I have decided to embark on this adventure that I believe I am being called to. In January 2019, I will be traveling to Japan, Taiwan, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and the Middle East. Through the World Race, my team and I will serve with local churches, missionaries and schools in the 10/40 Window,  a region of the world which is home to some of the largest unreached people groups in the world. 


With all that being said, there are a few ways you can help! Firstly, my team and I will need and greatly appreciate your prayers! This will be a challenging and stretching year for each of us on the team. Please pray for good health and provision for our team as we go. Also be praying for boldness, courage and obedience, that we would be prepared, willing and receptive to the will and call of God. 


Secondly, I am also in need of faithful supporters who would be willing to come alongside me and support me financially on this trip. In order to leave in January 2019 fully funded, I need to raise $19,300. This money would go to cover all field expenses during the 11 months. As of this post I have raised $3,490, and still have some ways to go. I ask that you prayerfully consider supporting me and joining me on this new and exciting journey. You can do so by selecting the donate tab on the home page of this blog. 


With all of this, every little bit counts. Whether it be a one-time donation, a monthly donation, a simple prayer or text of encouragement; all of it counts and means so much to me. I appreciate you taking the time to hear how the Lord is working and where he is taking me. If you have any questions or want to connect with me, feel free to contact me. My email is [email protected] and my phone number is (574) 354-1467. 


I am excited for what is to come and look forward to sharing this journey with you all!


2 responses to “What, When and Why…A Quick Life Update”

  1. Brandon, I am so proud of you for your obedience to Christ. I remember watching you as we camped and the quiet, yet pleasant little guy who was always playing. I knew God had great plans for you and through all of life’s craziness you are on your way to such a life experience with God and so many others. My prayers are with you daily for God to give you absolutely everything you need . Our God is a faithful, loving God and has chosen a great soldier for Him. God Bless, Prayers and Love Mr Brandon! Excited to follow your amazing journey!

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